I am the proud father of four kids. Heck, I say kids. Today these "kids" range in age between 23, 21, 20, and 16. But I admit that I am a person who thinks back to a past where I was a coach or attending boyscout meetings.

The kids have alot of their parents traits, but have their own too.

Today I would like to talk about one of them.

Jonathan is the oldest and today you will find him in India. He's currently on a mission's trip with the church he attends. He gets the opportunity to share his faith while volunteering his time. I can't put words to the way I feel for this young Man of God... Proud. Blessed. Happiness. You have impacted more than you think, son.  Personally... you've seen me at my best... and unfortunately my worst. I was your biggest skeptic at one time, but became your biggest supporter and fan.  Son... if you can survive ME, you can survive Anything.

Jonathan LeLeux
Jonathan LeLeux

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