Because we love to stir the pot, we're posing the question: Which restaurant has Lake Charles' best gumbo?

Already, I can feel people's blood pressure rising!

We sat down six of our local DJs in front of four bowls of gumbo. They don't know which bowl came from which restaurant. Using only their taste buds and noses, they were asked to pick their favorites. This week's contestants were Pat's of Henderson, Steamboat Bill's, Pappy's DeliPujo St. Cafe.

"Wait," I can hear you saying, "you only chose FOUR restaurants?"

Yes, we're starting with four.  And the winner will face another three challengers in an upcoming video. And we'll keep doing it until only one winner stands. By all means, tell us where you think we should go next for a gumbo challenger. Who really makes the best gumbo in Lake Charles?

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