The holidays are coming, and if you need a great idea for a gift, we've absolutely got you covered. We're starting our very first holiday auction on Monday, Nov. 30.
My brother called to ask me how far I was from Midland, Texas. I ask him why and he told me he had bid on an old police car in Midland and he might need someone to pick it up fr him. After I explained how big Texas is I ask him how much he bid. He told me $500. I was intrigued and ask where he found this car.
This is a great benefit and all proceeds go directly to Harbour House ETC, the only emergency shelter for children in need in southwest Louisiana. I will be there from 1 p.m.- 4.p.m. talking about all the events for everyone. So come see us...
THE B.A.A.K Benefit Day is June 1st. There will be two separate poker runs. One will be a traditional poker run and the other will be a dry run. There are also lots of other fun things scheduled for this great benefit.
The sale of body parts is strictly forbidden on eBay. Souls, however, are apparently perfectly fine to put up for auction. We know this because eBay user Lori N is currently offering hers up on the auction site for the starting price of $2,000.
Ah, the internet...billions of virtual doors have opened before us and given us a glimpse into the truly bizarre and the ability to purchase all the weirdness of the world thru PayPal!!!