What’s the Deal with the ‘P’ Emoji? It’s Suddenly EverywhereWhat’s the Deal with the ‘P’ Emoji? It’s Suddenly EverywhereYou've probably been seeing this "P" emoji popping up in your newsfeed. Here's what it means when you see it. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Don't Use Emojis In EmailsDon't Use Emojis In Emails A new study in Israel found that using emojis in your work emails makes you seem incompetent.Mikey OMikey O
What’s The Most Popular Emoji In The World?What’s The Most Popular Emoji In The World?Hint: it's not the smiling poop, eggplant, or dancing lady.Emily JEmily J
2017 Emoji Additions Include a T-Rex, Mermaid, and Curling Stone2017 Emoji Additions Include a T-Rex, Mermaid, and Curling StoneThe Unicode Consortium, aka the organization in charge of emojis, has announced 51 new emojis that will debut during the Summer of 2017.Emily JEmily J