
Tickets for Arts & Crabs Fest On Sale And Going Fast
Tickets for Arts & Crabs Fest On Sale And Going Fast
Tickets for Arts & Crabs Fest On Sale And Going Fast
The tickets for one of the most popular events in southwest Louisiana, Arts & Crabs Fest, are on sale now. If the past is any indication, they won't last long! The signature event benefits the Arts & Humanities Council of SWLA, and features some of the most delicious crab dishes from the best chefs paired with local beers from Louisiana breweries. A $...
Cameron Fishing Festival is This Weekend
Cameron Fishing Festival is This Weekend
Cameron Fishing Festival is This Weekend
One of the great things about living in Southwest Louisiana is the fantastic fishing. Whether you salt or fresh water fish we have some of the best estuaries. This weekend it's all about salt water fishing at the Cameron Fishing Festival.
DeRidder Watermelon Festival is This Weekend
DeRidder Watermelon Festival is This Weekend
DeRidder Watermelon Festival is This Weekend
It's almost July and that means it's watermelon time. Is there anything much better on a hot summer day that a big slice of ice cold watermelon? You'll find plenty of watermelon and all things associated with a great festival this weekend in DeRidder.

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