Ted Nugent is drumming up support for Louisiana's proposed bill that would allow people to carry a concealed weapon without a permit. He sent out a text message.
Credit card companies are asking for permission to track specific purchases made by Louisiana shoppers. Is it national security or an invasion of your privacy?
According to WWL-TV, the viral video of a drive-by shooting, initially shared by a popular New Orleans Instagram account, was not actually filmed in New Orleans.
You may remember a couple of weeks ago a Leblue Settlement child accidentally discharged a gun and a tragic death was the result. The CPSO is giving away free gun locks to prevent this kind of accident from happening again.
Don't mess with Greater Morning Star Baptist Church Pastor W.L.T. Littleton. Yes he is a man of God and also a former New Orleans Police officer. When burglars invaded his church they were chase off by a hail of of brimstone ... uh ... I mean bullets!