Lake Charles Fire Department Conducting Flushing of Water HydrantsLake Charles Fire Department Conducting Flushing of Water HydrantsThe Lake Charles Fire Department will begin flushing water hydrants on Monday, May 14, as part of their semi-annual testing.Big Boy ChillBig Boy Chill
Lake Charles Fire Department Conducting Semi-Annual Flushing of Water HydrantsLake Charles Fire Department Conducting Semi-Annual Flushing of Water HydrantsLCFD will flush water hydrants beginning May 17, 2017 through June 20, 2017. Big Boy ChillBig Boy Chill
Lake Charles Fire Department Accepting Applications For FirefightersLake Charles Fire Department Accepting Applications For FirefightersThe Lake Charles Fire Department has announced that they are now accepting applications for the position of Firefighter until April 22nd. here is how you can apply!Mike SoileauMike Soileau