
Struck by Lightning...Twice!
Struck by Lightning...Twice!
Struck by Lightning...Twice!
Here's one you can file under one-in-a-million.  A 33-year-old Houma, La., mother of four was standing in line at the supermarket when lightning struck -- literally.  Not once, but twice. Indoors. Unfortunately, she was recipient of both strikes.  So, not only did she get struck by lightning twice, but ... wait for it ... she LIVED to tell the tale.  Still, though, that's pretty messed up, nature.
Whats Happening With Our Weather?
Whats Happening With Our Weather?
Whats Happening With Our Weather?
How hot is it out there? Not as hot as it's gonna be! Welcome to July, one of the hottest in SWLA!  Record breaking Heat Across The Midwest Is Expected To Spread Into The Eastern U.S. By The Weekend!