One of our weekly polls went the way the national polls are going only stronger; the other poll shows no love for a Benson's third wife. Here are the results.
Is it just me or is Bobby Jindal trying to step up his game for a Presidential campaign? He really went after Obama over the weekend and seemed to be testing the waters.
CNN is running stories saying that Bowe Bergdahl was tortured while in Taliban captivity. Fox News is saying that Bergdahl declared Jihad against the United States. As usual the stories paint two very different pictures. Which do our listeners believe... that was the question.
Recent polls showed that 60% of Americans want to vote out everybody currently making a mess in Washington. We want to know who you would like to vote out of office.
The rumor is that the government may re-open today. Does that mean that the government will resume it's dysfunctional activities at full strength. Facebook artist are having a ball with this although some of it's featured memes are just mean!
Anyone who uses facebook has seen the blame flying on this one. It would seem that most people just repost something they saw on someone else's page. Chances are they have not even read the article and have done very little to no research on the subject...
The president spoke to the nation last night. He told us of reasons why we should strike Syria if they don't follow through with the deal Russia has put on the table (to dispose of their chemical weapons.) Did the speech sway your opinion...
President Obama said today he will seek approval from Congress before taking any military action against Syria. Obama said he believes military action is necessary.