The City of Lake Charles & Team Green of SWLA is continuing their "Keep Greater Lake Charles Beautiful” initiative with the annual Trash Bash, Sat., April 21.
Our family doesn't ever buy ice when we pack an ice chest. My husband has found a DIY-way to recycle gallon jugs to make ice that lasts longer than any we can find in bags.
If you're on the environmentally-conscious side out there in Sulphur, good news -- the city is setting up recycling bins for the holiday season. And if you're not, that's okay, too.
This really works out well for you if you are having crawfish as part of your Good Friday celebration. Your trash could be picked up on Saturday instead of Good Friday. No one wants crawfish shells sitting in their trash can very long.
Thanks to a 1.5-cent sales tax passed in October 2010, there are two new locations in the parish where you can drop off goods you can't normally get rid of in your regular trash can. But, there are some rules:
This is just a mess.
Instead of cutting down tons of trees to manufacture paper, a new organization is utilizing something completely revolutionary: animal poop.
Though it sounds zany and quite messy, in this case the whole paper-making process is quite the opposite. That's because elephants have diets high in fiber, which makes for easy paper making. Once the poo is harvested and dried out, what'