Wildlife agents cited five south Louisiana men for violating shrimping rules and regulations at the popular wildlife refuge over the past several days.
My Cajun heritage implores me to believe that I am quite proficient in the art of frying shrimp. My mixture of spiced and breading is still the best but I have been beat in technique. Wait until you see this!
One of the best foods for tailgating in Southwest Louisiana is Jambalaya because it's really easy to fix and you can fix it in advance or on location. Try this recipe for a New Orleans shrimp, chicken, and sausage jambalaya at your next tailgate party...
We have all seen the two headed fish on the Simpsons supposedly caused by the nuclear reactor where Homer works. No we may be seeing real mutant fish and other creatures in the gulf due to the BP spill.
Let's face it -- there's just some jobs that only exist in Louisiana, for better or worse. I took a poll around the office and some of our sister stations, and here's what we got.