Powerade® has teamed up with us, KPLC-TV and Walmart to offer one area high school the chance to supercharge their athletic program with $4,000!  Your school can win, but it needs your help!

Does your athletic program need new uniforms?  Does your equipment date back to the Stone Age?  Is your sport getting overlooked?  Tell us why your athletic program deserves to win the cash prize, and coming this fall, we're going to make one team's dream come true!

Entering is easy!  Just do one of the following three things:

1. Write us and tell us why your athletic program deserves $4,000.   Make sure you include your name, address, phone number and school name along with your explanation.  Email it here before 11:59 p.m. Sept. 29, 2014.  You need to be 13 years of age or older to enter.

2. Make a video that explains why your athletic program deserves $4,000.  Upload it to YouTube and send us a link to it here before 11:59 p.m. Sept. 29, 2014.  Make sure you include your name, address, phone number and school name along with your video.

3. Join us live at local Wal-Mart locations and enter in person.  (Locations and dates to be announced soon!)

Good luck!  Check out the full contest rules.

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