Sadie Robertson had a recent run in with 3 men stalking her in a mall and talked about her 'frightening night" on her Instagram page.

“Even though we serve a GOOD God let me remind you that scary things can happen at anytime, because until the day Jesus comes back evil will still be in the world...we aren’t necessarily the most aware of our surroundings generation, but a minute of not paying attention tonight could of created a whole different life for me. Be aware, always be in prayer, trust your ‘weird feelings’ (Spirit Checks), and call your accountability ALWAYS no matter how sure you are of the situation.” - Sadie Robertson

She thanked her dad, Willie Robertson, for answering her frantic phone call and helping calm her down.

Can you imagine as a parent getting that phone call, how helpless you would feel?  Great job Sadie keeping a level head and getting out of that situation quickly and safely!  Parents, this is yet another great teaching moment for children and their sense of false security and their likelihood of trusting strangers too easily.  This serves as a good reminder to teach your kids awareness of their surroundings.

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