
People Camping Out For Chick-Fil-A Grand Opening Thursday
People Camping Out For Chick-Fil-A Grand Opening Thursday
People Camping Out For Chick-Fil-A Grand Opening Thursday
So the brand new Chick-Fil-A location on Nelson Road in Lake Charles is set to open Thursday morning at 6am. The folks at Chick-fil-A are rewarding loyal customers by giving the 1st 100 customers through the door FREE Chick-Fil-A for a year and people are already out at the store camping out!!!
Chick-fil-A Had A Cow!!!
Chick-fil-A Had A Cow!!!
Chick-fil-A Had A Cow!!!
Chick-fil-A continued with one of their favorite holidays of the summer months, Cow Appreciation Day (July 8th)! Chick-fil-A restaurants nationwide celebrated the chains Annual Cow Appreciation Day, and offered a FREE meal to any customer DRESSED AS A COW, and Lake Charles was no exception!!!