
Watch Trainer Almost Die From Elephant Attack [VIDEO]
Watch Trainer Almost Die From Elephant Attack [VIDEO]
Watch Trainer Almost Die From Elephant Attack [VIDEO]
Being a trainer at an wildlife park certainly has it's dangers, depending on what animals you're working with. But if your animal is the elephant, well, that makes it a little more hazardous. I don't know why Cindy(the elephant) got mad at David but you can plainly see her plan was to eliminate his employment permanently...
Drunk Man Chases Elephant [VIDEO]
Drunk Man Chases Elephant [VIDEO]
Drunk Man Chases Elephant [VIDEO]
I don't know about you but I don't think I could drink enough anything to be drunk enough to run after a wild elephant. Maybe that's just me but this idiot did and it turned out alright for him this time. I wouldn't make a habit of it though...