A Texas Toddler Tells Santa She Wants A Nap
A Texas toddler, Linden Bartell, had an adorable response when Santa asked her what she wanted for Christmas.
You know how the mall Santa lines are...she probably waited 21 hours to get to the big guy in red and she was on a double doozie cookie and soda crash. So you gotta give her slack for not wanting to tell ol' Kris Kringle about wanting a new American Girl Doll and all of her crazy expensive accessories!
Sorry, I channeled a little bit of what's going down at the Keith household this Christmas season. My daughter Khloe has started watching a new channel on YouTube called "Chloe's American Doll Channel", and now she wants everything she has. Of course this girl is using all her YouTube money to get all the doll swag, which obviously I don't have. Plus, now she wants to start her own YouTube channel and to do all that her American Girl Doll, she named Ana, needs American Girl Doll friends. Oh, and they need a car, a kitchen set, a camper, and the 8 foot doll house. UGH!
Here's Linden's encounter with St. Nic:
Just encase you were wondering, here is the American Girl Doll channel my daughter is watching and getting all her expensive ideas for Christmas: