For those following this season of American Idol, the evening when the Top 10 contestants embark on "Disney Night" was surely something to look forward to. This particular evening, held on Easter Sunday (Apr. 21) had the hopefuls trying their chops on Disney classics in front of judges Lionel Richie, Katy Perry and Luke Bryan.

Laine Hardy, the Louisiana teen who's been pulling out in front as a favorite due to his casual/cool/flexible take on everything from Elvis Presley to Sam Cooke, stepped up to the mic with an unusual choice: "Oo-De-Lally" from Robin Hood.

Robin Hood isn't most people's first choice when brainstorming Disney classics, and it's certainly not a song that is top of mind in the catalog (come to think of it, is any Robin Hood song instantly recognizable?). One might be forgiven to write it off as a bit of Disney filler, as it initially sounds in the movie like just a bland little ditty sung over a plucked guitar.

However, the odd selection turned out to be perfect for Hardy, as he turned the original simple tune into a foot-stomping, swampy, full-out rocker that showed off its might as a regionally influenced, minimalist composition of weight.

The judges were heartily approving, with Richie coming forth first. "You have found your wheelhouse," he enthused. "In other words, hometown boy, hand-clapping, foot-stomping, perfect song. As far as I'm concerned, that was straight down the alley. Congratulations, my friend."

Both Perry and Bryan agreed and did not elaborate much further, except to (jointly) note that Hardy just may have what it takes to win it all.

At any rate, Hardy was the first one picked by America's vote  to move through to the Top 8, so he'll be oo-del-lally'ing for some time yet.

How Much Do You Know About Laine Hardy? 

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