Are You Frying a Turkey This Year? [VIDEO]
Some of my closet family and friends love it but it can be dangerous. Here are some important tips I like to share with you today.
I find that fresh turkeys are safer, but if you choose a frozen turkey, it must be completely thawed. Put a frozen turkey into hot oil could cause an explosion or cause oil to spill over and ignite a fire. Oil and water, including ice crystals, DO NOT FIX.
Don't use turkey fryers on that wooden deck of yours or in a garage. Please don't leave fryers unattended. Lower the turkey into the pot slowly. If the oil bubbles, allow the bubbles to settle before lowering the bird the rest of the way. Do not overfill the fryer with oil. Never allow the oil temperature to exceed 350 degrees, as oil can ignite at 375 degrees. The oil inside the fryer will be dangerously hot for hours after use, and should be allowed to cool completely before removing or storing.
Keep a fire extinguisher nearby when frying a turkey!
If you follow the following, you should be able to survive your Thanksgiving!