Cameron Simcik is a graduate of Bucknell University. She has written for Her Campus and is currently the Philadelphia Travel City Editor for The Daily Meal and a contributing writer for TheFW and GuySpeed.
Cameron Simcik
10 Dogs Getting Their Groove On
It seems like every day we discover yet another reason to reaffirm the awesomeness of our four-legged friends. For one thing, dogs are super troopers when it comes to our embarrassing Facebook antics.
10 Cats Stuck in Things
Cats are funny little creatures. Some like dressing up in reindeer antlers while others bask in the grumpy glory of fame. It doesn't matter what kind of feline we come across-- we're always big fans of the furballs. However, there is one type of kitty that tops our list of favorites: the kind that gets stuck in things.
10 Baby Seals That’ll Make Your Week Way Cuter
Ugh, we've been sucked in again. Baby animals get us every single time. But can you really blame us? It's impossible to be in a bad mood when you have snuggly koalas and dime-size lizards around. And as you'll soon find out, baby seals are no exception.
9 Kids Trying To Blow Out Their Birthday Candles
There are a lot of deceptively tough stuff in this world. Diving, sticking on a price tag, even just being a cute little pup can be hard. You know what else can be super challenging? Blowing out birthday candles.
12 Animals Hugging It Out
There are certain times when we just need a hug. You know-- when we thought Twinkies were going extinct or after the 'Game of Thrones' 'Red Wedding' episode, AKA hard-hitting stuff.
9 Extreme Patriotic Tattoos
With July 4th coming up, a lot of us are getting in the patriotic spirit with firework GIFs and festive food. But you know what? Celebrating 'merica doesn't only have to happen once every July. These people are showing off their patriotism year round!
The 11 Coolest Grandparents on the Web
Out of all the cool people in the world, you know who ranks at the top of our list? Grandparents. Think about it-- they're adorably hilarious and spoil us rotten. Basically, grandma and grandpa rule, so it's about time their awesomeness gets recognized!
11 Guilty Pets Who Know What They Did
There's nothing surprising about our pets getting into shenanigans when we're not looking. Sometimes we find the little buggers in the act, and what results is adorably hilarious. But other times, we're not lucky enough to catch them red-handed, although their guilty expressions totally allude to trouble.
The 9 Cutest Easter Baby Bunnies
Easter's right around the corner, so it's time to get into the holiday spirit. Create some awesome eggs, stuff yourself with Peeps--whatever floats your Easter boat. If none of this prep works for you though, we say take a cue from these Easter bunny babies.
13 Hilariously Weird Fortune Cookie Fortunes
Chinese takeout is a classic American staple, and fortune cookies are easily the greatest part of the meal. Why? Surprise fortunes are inside, duh!
Hilarious Video of 10 Dogs Extremely Confused by Mirrors
Being a dog in today's society must be really confusing. They're probably thinking, "how have I suddenly sprouted human eyebrows?" or "why the heck am I driving Power Wheels?" The answer is simple -- because confused dogs are hilarious. That's why we love it when they catch a glimpse of themselves in the mirror.
Cheer Up Instantly With 11 Happy Dogs
The holidays might be over, but there are still tons of reasons to be happy. For starters, dogs with eyebrows are now a thing, and we couldn't be more stoked. Plus, there's really nothing fun about sporting a scowl, so we like to keep things positive and fun.