Jeremy Taylor
One-Armed Little League Pitcher Coleman Shannon Throws a Shocking No-Hitter
Coleman Shannon was born without a right hand and forearm, due to a medical condition called Amelia, but that hasn’t slowed him down from chasing his baseball dreams. In fact, the 14-year-old left-handed pitcher recently threw a no-hitter in a Johnsonville, SC little league game.
Newt Gingrich Was Bitten By a Penguin
Although the press and political establishment has all but handed Mitt Romney the Republican nomination for President, Newt Gingrich is technically still running against him. Needless to say, the former Speaker of the House is having trouble getting anyone to pay attention to him.
But Newt may have just stumbled upon a novel way to garner press coverage. During a visit to the St. Louis Zoo Friday,
Should the United States Get Rid of the Penny?
Last month Canada joined countries like Australia and Great Britain in eliminating the penny. Is the United States next?
Barack Obama Is Not Very Good at Three-Point Shots
Barack Obama is a basketball guy. He played the sport in high school, where his teammates called him “Barry O’Bomber” because of his tendency to take a lot of shots. But from the looks of this video from a recent White House ‘Shoot for Strength’ event, Obama hasn’t been practicing his shooting lately.
Heroic 13-Year-Old Drives School Bus After Driver Passes Out
13-year-old Jeremy Wuitschick got to drive, something most kids his age only dream about doing. However, the circumstances in which the seventh-grader took the wheel were far from ideal.
Soldier in Afghanistan Witnesses Son’s Birth Via Skype
Technology is awesome. And not just because it helps us play Words With Friends on our phone when we’re bored at work. It also allowed Specialist Brock Howland to witness the birth of his son.
Guess What? Working More Than 40 Hours a Week Is a Waste of Time
Here’s something that you are going to very tempted to tell your boss. According to 150 years of studies — yes, 150 — on productivity, having employees work more than 40 hours a week does more harm than good to the bottom line.
What Was the Most Stolen Car of 2011?
When it comes to grand theft auto, thieves seem to go for the largest vehicles possible.
What’s America’s Best Fast Food Chain?
It there is one thing Americans like, it’s our food fast. Our great nation pioneered the fast food game, and judging from a new report from The Temkin Group we are doing a great job at it, if we do say so ourselves.
This Workplace Doesn’t Think Leap Day Is Real
Here’s something for you salaried employees to think about: If you’re working today, one could argue that you are doing so for free.
Perhaps that is why Oaklandish, an apparel company based in Oakland, is closed for leap day. Not only that, but on their sign announcing their decision, they call into question February 29th’s very existence.
Timeline Movie Maker Makes Facebook’s New Layout Less Horrible
Facebook Timeline is here, whether all you zombies of the Zuckerberg nation like it or not.
And although most of the initial response to the new layout has been negative, a Facebook add-on called Timeline Movie Maker, which plays all of your Facebook memories as a video montage, actually looks like it could be kind of cool.
Hungry? Try a $100 Hot Dog
If you think the hot dogs at the stadium are a little pricey, wait until you get a load of this.