Colors for a Cause Plans Color 5K in Sulphur
Colors for a Cause was founded in 2011 as a way to honor 10 year old Brennan Daigle from Westlake, Louisiana whose battle with cancer created an army of supporters worldwide. This organization helps families who's kids are fighting cancer and is planning a 5K on May 17th.
Why not have some fun and help families and kids with cancer by walking, running, crawling or rolling in the Colors For A Cause Color 5k at heritage square in Sulphur on May17th. Register early and get a free event t-shirt You can also register on the 17th starting at 7:30 with the 5K beginning at nine am. For more details call 337-317-1455. Get a team together now or come out and make new friends along the route. Remember to wear white or light colored clothing.
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