It Takes Less Than Two Days to Poo out a LEGO Head
I love the internet. You can always learn so many great facts and new things, like this one. A legitimate study done by the Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health wanted to study how long commonly swallowed objects took to "pass" through your system. The aim was to give new parents ease of mind when they find that their child has ingested such an item.
There is a story from my parents that I once swallowed a penny. Mom and Dad have different stories as to how "dramatic" and "traumatizing" it was. The story goes that I swallowed it. Dad was fairly calm but had concerns, while Mom was ready for exploratory surgery. I was reminded quite often of this story due to the fact that they both searched for President Lincoln each time a diaper change happened. They still hold that over my head, or is it tails?
Back to the study at hand, six subjects ingested a LEGO man head after documenting their typical "movements" to get a baseline test. Incidentally, that score was called the Stool Hardness and Transit score (SHAT). After ingesting the object, the clock was ticking, which was named the Found and Retrieved Time score (FART). Who cares about the study? The scoring system alone is a win!
The decapitated diver was retrieved from the six subjects on average 1.71 days later with no complications to the subjects, but maybe a little harm to the test object. The test showed that parents who have children swallowing random objects shouldn't be as concerned in the future. So "wipe" away those tears.