Old Farmer’s Almanac Summer Forecast Looking Bad For Lake Charles, Louisiana
The Old Farmer's Almanac is forecasting that SWLA is in for a rough summer.
The Farmer's Almanac claims to be around 80% accurate with its long-tail weather predictions. If that's true, SWLA needs to brace for a hot summer and active hurricane season.
Here's what the Farmer's Almanac has to say about the upcoming Lake Charles wether:
On average, April and May will be slightly warmer than normal, with above-normal rainfall. Summer will be warmer and wetter than normal, with the hottest periods in mid- to late June and mid- to late July. Watch for a tropical storm in mid-August. September and October will be slightly warmer and drier than normal, on average.
I hate hot summers. You would imagine living in SWLA all my life I would be used to it by now, but I dread it more and more every year I grow older. Give me a cold winter day any day of the week and I can deal with it, but make me break a sweat and I'm ready to throw in the towel.
Here's hoping SWLA is in the 20% error and we have a warm summer that doesn't even come close to breaking any temperature records.