Parents Do Know Best at Times
Admit it or not, your parents do know a thing or two about life. They look out for you, and try to do the best they can for you and your future.
My dad used to tell me that it's not what you want in life but what you have in it. You see, I find myself a dreamer. I was born that way, I guess. But as I have reached this stage of my life, those words do ring true for me. Thanks Dad.
What piece of advice that your parents gave you when you were younger, and ignored, do you now wish you would have paid more attention to?
Shonda Berry Get a good education, go to college and wait to get married...
Peggy Credeur First impressions are lasting impressions.
Greg Saucier The sooner you stop caring about what other people think, the happier you'll be.
Sara Johnson Don't judge people by their appearance. Everyone has something to offer; be nice.
Ron Begnaud Get a real job instead of radio.
Jessica Henry Go to grad school sooner, rather than working for a few years. I finally went...but it was after burning myself out in another career. The one I had before school was good...but the one I got after getting my two masters is even better.
Dana Comeaux Pay close attention to school and your credit.