
UPDATE: Gunman Kills 12, Wounds 50 in Denver Suburban Movie Theater During ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Showing [VIDEO]
UPDATE: Gunman Kills 12, Wounds 50 in Denver Suburban Movie Theater During ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Showing [VIDEO]
UPDATE: Gunman Kills 12, Wounds 50 in Denver Suburban Movie Theater During ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Showing [VIDEO]
UPDATES 8:23 a.m.: Police have identified the shooter as James Holmes, 24.  CBS News reports that when police when to Holmes's apartment, it was "booby trapped" with ammunition and chemicals.  The death toll from the attack originally reported 14 deaths, though officials have since revised that number to 12.
He Said He Was Feeling A Little Light-Headed
He Said He Was Feeling A Little Light-Headed
He Said He Was Feeling A Little Light-Headed
Remember the old urban legend about the man on the beach who had a bug crawl into his ear? He went to the hospital and the doctor said he would have to just wait for it to die and fall out, and when it did they found out that it was a female and had laid its eggs...IN HIS EAR!!!  It's true, I heard about it from my cousin's baby's momma's hairdresser!