A single item that most of us have in a toolbox or junk drawer is all you need to add to your houseplants to help revitalize them and nurse them back to health.
It's officially Spring! It's time to drag out the big bag of potting soil, peruse the plant nursery and bring home a wagon full of flowers! If you're as excited about spring-time weather as I am, here's a lovely list of items to help you get into the gardening mood!
Even covered plants may have been damaged in the very cold weather of this past weekend. Here's what you can do to minimize the damage and keep your beds alive until Spring.
I bought my favorite flower to put in my garden and suddenly remembered what my Maw Maw preached to me as a child. "Don't you plant anything on Good Friday, Cher!" I swear she made the sign of the cross when she said it.