
2012 Oscars – See All the Winners Here
2012 Oscars – See All the Winners Here
2012 Oscars – See All the Winners Here
The 2012 Oscars managed to include the expected and shocks all at the same time. Odds on favorite, ‘The Artist’, won five awards including Best Picture, Best Actor for Jean Dujardin and Best Director for Michel Hazanivicius. But ‘Hugo’ gave it a run for its money, also bringing home five awards (though none in the major categories).
The Oscars [GALLERY]
The Oscars [GALLERY]
The Oscars [GALLERY]
The stars shined brightly last night in Hollywood.  "The Kings Speech" racked up four statues, while the Social Network was a heavy hitter too with three awards.  Here are some pics highlighting the sights...
True Grit Buzzes Oscar
True Grit Buzzes Oscar
True Grit Buzzes Oscar
Jeff Bridges is pictured here posing with his "Best Actor" Oscar awarded for his performance in the 2009 film"Crazy Heart."  If the buzz is right, Bridges, or some of his supporting cast, could be on the red carpet again.  This time they would be celebrating an Oscar for Jeff Bridges' latest blockbuster, "True Grit." The New York Times reports that box office success