
Who is to Blame?
Who is to Blame?
Who is to Blame?
Anyone who uses facebook has seen the blame flying on this one. It would seem that most people just repost something they saw on someone else's page. Chances are they have not even read the article and have done very little to no research on the subject...
New Louisiana Law prohibits Social Network Use While Driving
New Louisiana Law prohibits Social Network Use While Driving
New Louisiana Law prohibits Social Network Use While Driving
Weather it's twitter or facebook; it is illegal to post on your social network while driving in Louisiana. Yesterday Governor Jindal signed a Senate Bill (#147) by Sen. Erdey that prohibits any device from being used to access, read, or post to a social networking site while operating a motor vehicle.
Your Vote is Not Your Only Voice!
Your Vote is Not Your Only Voice!
Your Vote is Not Your Only Voice!
So many of us take our right to vote very seriously then we walk away from any other influence that we could have on the direction of our government. We live in a age when we have more ways to make our voiced heard that ever before. The problem is that we have done a poor job using these tools effectively. That can change.