For the entire month of November, we're giving you two chances per weekday to win $1,000. If you can work a telephone and you can hear sounds, you can win. But the question soon becomes -- "How do I spend all this cash?" It's the same question I ask myself twice a month with my $16 paycheck gets deposited...
On the edge of your seat, waiting to see if you’re the winner of our $10,000 cash contest? Well, wait no more – we have a winner! Read on to see who it who won the grand prize.
You have heard us talk about it for a month and have now successfully proscrastinated till the last moment. Someone will win ten thousand dollars tomorrow! Why not you?
Anyone? Anyone?
Does anyone out there want the opportunity to win up to $10,000 simply by listening to Gator 99.5 and calling a telephone number? OR by simply being a member of the Gator 99.5 Rewards Club? Are you sure? ‘Cause $10,000 is a lot of responsibility, you know. We wouldn’t want to burden you with a fat, unwanted wad of cash...