
Here is Why Women Do The Beauty Routines They Do [VIDEO]
Here is Why Women Do The Beauty Routines They Do [VIDEO]
Here is Why Women Do The Beauty Routines They Do [VIDEO]
Alright guys you've got to admit it. We all wonder why women go to so much trouble to get all made up to look so beautiful. We're so glad they do but that's a lot of trouble sometimes.And where did some of these ideas come from? You will be surprised to find out some of the ideas actually came from men...
LSU Ladies Ranked #9 Hottest Women on Campus
LSU Ladies Ranked #9 Hottest Women on Campus
LSU Ladies Ranked #9 Hottest Women on Campus
To celebrate the beginning of the 2012 college football season, BleacherReport.com ranked 120 colleges across the country in terms of how hot the women on campus are. I am not agreeing with these rankings! The thing that is the most rediculous is that Ole Miss is ranked ahead of LSU. HAve these idiots ever spent any time in Baton Rouge!