recently conducted a survey to find the absolute worst gifts people have gotten from a co-worker.  And many of these are doozies!

When it comes to purchasing those gifts, the survey found 22% of us will give at least one co-worker a gift this year. So how much will we spend? 34% said less than $10 per gift. 59% said between $11 and $50. Only 6% of people said they'll spend more than $50 on a gift.


Top 10 Worst Gifts From Co-Workers:

1.  Earrings shaped like chickens.

2.  Coupons from a grocery store.

3.  Roasted grasshoppers.

4.  A roll of Saran Wrap.

5.  A jar of glitter.

6.  A coaster with their face on it.

7.  A recipe for dip.

8.  An ornament shaped like an engagement ring.  That's a potential HR nightmare.

9.  A wooden cat statue.

10.  Used candles.

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