Are you or a woman you know on this list? If so there is a good chance that females with these names will get pregnant in 2015.

Full disclosure: there is a list making the rounds on the web that seems to have originated from a country station in Jacksonville -- but the only problem is the list doesn't seem to have any credible source, legitimate research, or scientific reasoning behind it.

Nevertheless, the 15 names on the list are as follows:

15. Taylor

14. Kim

13. Brittany (Britney)

12. Lindsay

11. Nicole

10. Katy (Katie)

9. Kendall

8. Amber

7. Amanda

6. Ashley

5. Jennifer (Jenny, Jen)

4. Christina (Kristina)

3. Heidi

2. Lauren

1. Shannon

At first glance, this list looks more like the top 15 names of female celebrities in 2015 more than a list of women who will be expecting in 2015, so we decided to come up with our own list using our own extensive (approximately five minutes of Googling) research.

The first thing we did was looked up the average age that women give birth to their first child, which was around age 25. Our continued expert research (grade school subtraction) showed us that women around the age of 25 were born between 1989-1990.

Upon further examination (more Googling) we found the top 15 female names from both 1989 and 1990 and the lists were almost identical -- some even matching the name of the original list above.

So without further ado, here is our own meticulously researched (read: minimally Googled) list of the 15 girls names that are even more likely to get pregnant (for the first time) in the year 2015.

15. Rachel

14. Samantha

13. Amber

12. Emily

11. Nicole

10. Megan

9. Elizabeth

8. Lauren

7. Stephanie

6. Jennifer

5. Amanda

4. Sarah

3. Ashley

2. Brittany

1. Jessica

Share this with anyone you know with these names and tag them when you post on social media. Also, make sure to pay us a visit and let us know when and if anyone with these names gets preggers in 2015!

Whatever your name may be, happy baby-making in the New Year!


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