Personally, I never got what the big deal was about Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa."  Just looks like a bored chick staring at me.  Whatever.  But for some people, the painting is so important that they've been searching for the remains of the woman who sat for the portrait.  And now they think they may have found her.  Good grief.

The woman in question was named Lisa del Giocondo (born Lisa Gherardini), who was married with two sons.  In 2005, scholars definitively figured out that she was the woman who sat for da Vinci in the 1500s.  When Lisa's husband died, she joined a convent and became a nun -- and that's where she's now buried. So, of course, a crew in Italy is digging up her bones so they can do DNA analysis on them and see if they can recreate her image from skull fragments.

Gizmodo reports that her descendants aren't really thrilled about it, but that hasn't stopped it from happening.

So I have two questions:  1) Who cares?  She was a woman in a painting a bazillion years ago.  Is finding her bones going to achieve anything? 2)  Doesn't this ruin the appeal of the Mona Lisa?  Isn't the whole reason for the painting's fame is that it's mysterious?  Aren't art geeks going to get bored?

Leave that poor woman alone.

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