Americans Are Losing Their Minds Over The Bacon Shortage
On Wednesday the U.S.D.A. started a country wide meltdown when a recent report went public saying that Americas frozen pork belly inventory is at its lowest point in half a century. Yes, that means we have a bacon shortage, but is it really that big of a deal?
According to the NY Times, it's not. In fact, they are even suggesting that the whole story is fake! Does that mean the multiple media outlets that ran the story, like USA Today, NBC and CBS, were duped? Their information source seemed pretty legitimate, I mean, why would anyone question baconshortage.com?
Yes, baconshortage.com is a real website, or at least it was a real website. When I try to go to the website it comes up blank, which is a little suspicious, just saying.
Supposedly, the Ohio Pork Council was behind the website and the country-wide freak out over a bacon shortage. Why, OPC, why?! As if 2017 wasn't off to a crazy enough start they had to start bacon hysteria.
What's the deal? Is there really a bacon shortage? The NY Times is saying no. They have debunked the bacon shortage fiasco with one kernel of logic, "the frozen reserves are just that — reserves."
I should have guessed that America wouldn't mess around when it comes to bacon. We are so worried about running out of it we have a freaking reserve! Whoever thought of the frozen reserves deserves a medal.
Bacon lovers rejoice! No ones burger will be baconless. No ones bloody mary will go without a beautiful bacon garnish. Today I raise my bacon to you, NY Times, thanks for proving that not all hero's wear capes.
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