CDC Predicts Another Round Of Coronavirus In The Winter
Infectious disease experts are predicting we will see a return of coronavirus in the winter.
KPLC is reporting from CNN that, while government officials are planning on the best ways to integrate the public back into somewhat normal routines, some experts say another battle with coronavirus is right around the corner.
Dr. Robert Redfield, Director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said:
We’re going to have another battle with it upfront and aggressively next winter. This is why it is so important we take the time right now to improve our testing capacity, expand our public health capacity to do early case recognition, contact tracing and isolation.
A vaccine is the only likely waynwe would see any lasting change in respect to COVID-19.
Kizzmekia Corbett, the lead scientist in coronavirus vaccine research for the National Institutes of Health, said:
We’re targeting fall for the emergency use, so that would be for healthcare workers and people who might be in constant contact and risk of being exposed over and over.
A vaccine for the general American public is thought to be a year away from release.