Department Of Education Releases Annual School Report Cards
When budget cuts happen they always seem to fall in the education sector. While funding might be growing smaller for some aspects of our future, those responsible for educating the young people of today are certainly having a larger impact on the success of Louisiana's schools.
State Superintendent of Schools, John White, released his department's "report card" for Louisiana schools yesterday. The news was very encouraging. There significant gains in a positive direction for many students and school systems across the state.
LEAP skills are up, the graduation rate is up, the average ACT score is up. More students are earning industry credits, advanced placement credits and dual enrollment credits.
Superintendent White's comments were reported in a story published by the Louisiana Radio Network.
The annual measuring stick for schools, educators, and administrators showed that the number of schools that received an "A" grade was up from 10 last year to 16 this year. If you'd like to know what grade your child's school received that information is available at the Department of Education website.
White went on to explain that not everything was rosy in the report. There were still several schools and school systems that were underperforming. Yet, while those systems were still struggling to make the grade, for the most part, there was improvement noted.
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