Gyth Rigdon Live Acoustic Show At Walk Ons Tonight
If you are looking for something to do on this hump day then we have just the thing for you. Country music recording artist Gyth Rigdon will be performing live tonight at Walk Ons in Lake Charles doing a stripped down acoustic show tonight.
Gyth is a native of Singer, Louisiana and this South Louisiana boy has a smooth soulful sound and his songs will hit you right in the heart.
Gyth currrent CD has seven tracks on it including the current smash single "Body Language" you hear right hear on Gator 99.5. Back in January, Gyth was dubbed by whiskeyriff.com as the current country artist with the sexiest voice in country music.
Gyth Rigdon will perform his live acoustic show tonight at Walk Ons on the glassed in patio tonight from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Walk Ons is located at 5313 Common Street in Lake Charles. Tonight's show is free to get in.
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