So the next time your significant other tries bust you for hugging someone .... just show them this article. They will understand why hugging could be more sanitary than shaking hands. On a side note ... fist bumping is more sanitary too but it's just not as mush fun.

flickr/william brawley


I personally carry hand sanitizer in my car, my computer bag and have some in my desk and several places in my home. In my business getting sick usually affects my voice. I do everything I can to avoid germs. Here are some results from the Kleenex survey

  • 67% of people do not cover their mouths when they sneeze (100% of dogs do not cover their mouths when they sneeze.)
  • 37% of people wipe their nose with their hands or clothes
  • 11% of people do not wash their hands after they sneeze into them (so if you shake ten hands today .... one of them contained sneeze slime.)
  • men between 18-34 are least likely to wash their hands after they sneeze (thus the more sanitary fist bump).
  • Women over fifty are most likely to wash their hands after they sneeze (so younger women should always be hugged ... it's just moire sanitary.)

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