Somebody Talked…
Everyone knows the first rule of Fight Club is YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB. The second rule of Fight Club is YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB. I honestly don't know how Tyler Durden could've made this any more clear.
If you've been down Common Street in the past year, you've probably driven right by Fight Club and not even known it. It was housed in a small, nondescript building near the 12th Street Kroger, hidden in plain sight behind a little window with the words FIGHT CLUB on it.
I never stopped in because I really didn't want to risk having the sight of a shirtless Meat Loaf burned into my retinas, but it was neat that it was there. Who knew Fight Club was headquartered in Lake Charles, Louisiana? I sure didn't.
However, if you drive down Common Street today, you'll see new words on the same window. It looks like somebody broke the rules, and now the building is for sale.
Yep, somebody squealed and ruined Fight Club for everyone. Nice going, jerk.
I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
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