Gyth Rigdon Concert At Coushatta Is Sold OutGyth Rigdon Concert At Coushatta Is Sold OutIf you have been waiting to decide on getting your tickets to see the hometown concert with Gyth Rigdon at Coushatta, you're out of luck now.Mike SoileauMike Soileau
Gyth Rigdon To Visit Gator Studio Tomorrow Morning May 29Gyth Rigdon To Visit Gator Studio Tomorrow Morning May 29Gyth Rigdon will be stopping stop by the Gator 99.5 studios tomorrow morning at 7:00am (Wednesday, May 29th) to hang out with you and us.Mike SoileauMike Soileau
Gyth Rigdon Takes To Facebook To Thank You Southwest LouisianaGyth Rigdon Takes To Facebook To Thank You Southwest LouisianaAfter the dust settled last night, Gyth Rigdon took to Facebook to thank his family, friends and his fans. Mike SoileauMike Soileau
Gyth's Song 'Proof I've Always Loved You' #1 Apple Country ChartsGyth's Song 'Proof I've Always Loved You' #1 Apple Country ChartsGyth brought the house down with his final song 'Proof I've Always Loved You' and America responded making it the #1 most streamed song on the country charts. Mike SoileauMike Soileau
Gyth's Performance Of 'God Bless The USA' Charting #3 On iTunes Gyth's Performance Of 'God Bless The USA' Charting #3 On iTunes What is encouraging is since he is charting that high, it is also votes for him on the show. Here is that performance. Mike SoileauMike Soileau
Gyth Rigdon Performs In Battle Round Tonight On NBC's The Voice Gyth Rigdon Performs In Battle Round Tonight On NBC's The Voice Southwest Louisiana's own Gyth Rigdon will perform tonight in the battle rounds on NBC's The Voice. Mike SoileauMike Soileau