This year's Louisiana Pirate Festival brings back the Pirogue Contest! Teams have 6 hours to build a pirogue from a kit, decorate it, and then set sail in it (well, as far as they can get before it's time to abandon ship). Awards are given for Best Pirogue Construction, Best Decorated, and Winner of the actual race.

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Teams are typically 4-6 people and you have 6 1/2 hours to build it from a kit that includes: 2 plywood sides, 1 plywood bottom (get the Flex Seal), 3 sets of ribs, 2 sides, and 4 side rails. Slap it all together, and you're ready to set sail.

Electrical power is available at each spot and each team can hang their signage to indicate the business, team name, and/or boat name. You must supply your own tools to put your bateau together, and they suggest "knowing how to use them" is super important. You also need to provide your own paddle (use your Uncle's gumbo paddle) and life jackets. The race will start at 5:30pm after you parade your floating masterpiece down to the dock at the Civic Center.

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The contest is set for May 12 but you have until April 1 to get in your entry forms so that they can get the kits made in time for the contest.

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If you'd like to enter, the entry forms can be found easily on the Pirate Festival's Web Page in the form of a PDF. And MUST be submitted by April 1, 2018!

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