Are Zombie Attacks The Newest Prank? [VIDEO]
Remember when zombies were just a joke? Just a ghost story to tell kids around the campfire before they go into Smore's coma? Characters in your home-made movie filmed with your parents camera and played by your cousins during summer vacation? Well, thanks to Bath Salts and Miami, real people are in fear of real zombies! Here is the proof, you bring the pudding...
It used to be that people were afraid of the dark, or of snakes and bugs, even of clowns! But after the horrific attack in Miami that left a man dead and many hours of video being uploaded onto Youtube showing the attack from different angles. How long do you think it will take before someone uses this incident to pretend to be a Bath Salt Face Munching Zombie and runs into an unsuspecting crowd of innocent bystanders? Whoops, too late!