Ever wonder why we get to dress up every October in our favorite costumes? I searched the internet high and low for the best answers and this is the conclusion. According to the Library of Congress it was to celebrate "Samhain".

Carving pumpkins, trick-or-treating, and donning scary costumes are some of the most beloved traditions of Halloween. But, these iconic customs have their roots in an ancient festival celebrated long before Halloween became the commercial holiday we know and love today.

The origins of Halloween can be traced back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced “SAH-win”). This Gaelic festival marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. I picture this like going to the Texas Renaissance Festival, dont worry, I wont judge, It was believed that during Samhain, the boundary between the living and the dead became blurred, allowing spirits to roam the earth. To protect themselves from mischievous spirits, people would light large bonfires and wear costumes, often made from animal skins, to ward off any ghostly visitors.

By the eighth century, as Christianity spread through Europe, Pope Gregory III designated November 1 as All Saints Day, a time to honor saints and martyrs. Over time, elements of the Samhain festival were absorbed into the Christian holiday, and the night before became known as All Hallows' Eve, eventually evolving into Halloween.

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Why do we Carve Pumpkins?
Carving pumpkins is a more recent addition to Halloween traditions, originating from the Irish legend of Stingy Jack, a man who tricked the devil and was condemned to wander the earth. The Irish began carving turnips into lanterns to scare off Jack’s wandering spirit. When Irish immigrants brought this tradition to America, they discovered that pumpkins, native to North America, made for better carving, and thus, the modern jack-o'-lantern was born.

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Why do we Trick-or-treat?
Trick-or-treating has its origins in the medieval practice of "souling," where poor people would go door-to-door offering prayers for the dead in exchange for food. Over time, this evolved into the familiar tradition of children dressing up in costumes and going from house to house, asking for candy.

Finally, wearing scary costumes is a continuation of the ancient Samhain practice of disguising oneself to blend in with wandering spirits. Today, costumes have evolved to include not just spooky characters but anything from superheroes to pop culture icons, adding a fun and festive twist to the original practice.

So just remember when you get all dressed up tonight that we are just caring on a tradition that's a few hundred years old. Be safe and enjoy the festivities.

Know The Meaning Of The Different Colored Pumpkins For Halloween

Those plastic pumpkins that the trick-or-treaters will be carrying around and showing up at your front door could have a very special and important meaning to them.

Gallery Credit: Lucky Larry, Mix 93-1

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