We've always heard to never cut the grass when the yard is wet. This is a rule we have to sometimes break in Louisiana...and if you find yourself in the situation where you need to, here's how to break it.

Norbert Toth via Unsplash.com
Norbert Toth via Unsplash.com

How To Cut Your Grass When It's Wet

Springtime in Acadiana can make things a little tricky when it's time to cut grass. We've had quite a few Spring seasons where it's rained every other day, if not a little everyday.

Drastic times call for drastic measures, and if you do get a pinch, it is actually possible to get a pretty good cut with a wet lawn.

Oh, and at the end of all this, we want to share something with you we just found out exists in life and it blew my mind.

Iowa: Landscapes From A Perennial Political Battleground State
(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Tips For Cutting Wet Grass

Luckily, there are a few tips you can follow that can help you finally get your grass cut and make it look good, even if your yard is wet.

That being said, although these tips will certainly put you in a position to get the best cut possible given all the rain lately, if your yard holds water and is super soaked, you're most certainly not going to be able to avoid muddy ruts in your yard.

Sharpen Your Lawn Mower Blades

Mowing when it's wet grass can tend to shred grass which leads to a choppy, uneven cut.

If you need to cut when it's wet, make sure the blade(s) on your mower is good and sharp.

While you're at it, it's also a good idea to make sure your blade is in good shape. If it's looking a bit worn out, go ahead and replace it.

Clean And Lubricate Underneath The Mower's Deck

Wet grass sticks to your lawn mower and can really clog things up. This can throw the balance of your lawnmower off, and more. Give the underneath of your mower a quick little once over with a spray lubricant. 

WD-40, Blaster, DuPont, and more all make spray lubricants. The lubricant will keep the wet grass from sticking and clogging up your lawn mower. Shop for spray lubricants HERE.


Used Under Creative Commons Via Wikihow.com
Used Under Creative Commons Via Wikihow.com


Raise Your Lawn Mower Blades Up To 3-4 Inches

Raising your lawn mower deck and blades up a bit will help with wet grass clogging things up and in my experience, it also seems to help prevent cutting ruts in your yard. We can't prove that last part, it just seems to help.

Cut Your Grass Slower Than Usual

When grass is wet, the blades on your mower have a tougher job cutting it properly. To help things out, cut your grass slower. Wikihow.com suggests mowing at half the speed you normally do, or "plan on going over areas several times."

Mow Your Yard In Half Row Strips

From Wikihow - "After mowing your first row, move only half an interval away, such that your lawn mower will be going over a row composed of half-cut and half-uncut grass." 

The Lawn Care Nut Via YouTube
The Lawn Care Nut Via YouTube


Mow In Multiple Directions

When grass is wet it's heavier, and that causes it to lie down. That makes it tough to get a good cut if you're mowing in uniform directions, or mowing in the same pattern you always do.

It may take a little longer, but when cutting wet grass you should mow in both horizontal and vertical directions for the best cut.

Used Under Creative Commons Via Wikihow.com.
Used Under Creative Commons Via Wikihow.com.


 Use The Side Discharge On Your Mower

Don't use your lawn mower's bag or mulching feature. The wet grass will make it super messy and hard to deal with. Instead "use your side discharge, and rake away the grass shavings from your lawn later, after you’re finished mowing" according to Wikihow.com.

Obviously, if the grass shavings aren't too out of control making piles all over your yard, it's best to just leave it.

OK, now that we've covered some tips on how to mow wet grass, let's talk about something we only just existed.

TORO Lawn Striping System
The Lawn Care Nut Via YouTube


How do I mow stripes on my lawn?

As you'll see in the YouTube video below from The Lawn Care Nut, as he begins giving his tips on how to cut the grass when it's wet, the first thing he does is remove his Toro Lawn Striper from his lawn mower.

Clearly, I've been living under a rock because I had no idea these existed.

I don't do it often, but when I decide to make my lawn look like a football field, I change the height of my blade. Clearly, doing that is pretty time-consuming. I had no idea attachments existed to do this very thing.

I felt pretty silly when I only learned this today but, I asked around the station, and no one else had heard of a device like this either.

You can pick up a Toro Lawn Striper locally at Ballew's Outdoor & Repair and Home Depot, and you'll find them all over online as well.

Toro isn't the only company that makes lawn stripers, or lawn rollers. There are quite a few brands that make them and they all cost around $100 to $150 but, you can also make one for pretty cheap. Check out the DIY lawn striper video below.

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