Hurricane Evacuation and COVID-19
The CDC offers tips on how to stay safe during a pandemic while having to evacuate from a hurricane.
Talk to the people you plan to stay with about how you can all best protect yourselves from COVID-19 and consider if either household has someone who is at higher risk of developing severe illness from COVID-19, including older adults or people of any age who have underlying medical conditions. Make sure everyone knows what they can do to keep them safe from COVID-19.
Follow everyday preventive actions, including covering coughs and sneezes, washing your hands often, and avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Consider taking extra precautions for people living in close quarters.
Know what to do if someone in your family or in the household you are staying with becomes sick with COVID-19. Take steps to keep your pets safe.
Create a go kit which includes hand sanitizer, bar or liquid soap, disinfectant wipes, and masks.