This Friday, we will observe the Good Friday and Easter holidays which means most of our local government agencies will do the same giving employees Friday off. So with everyone shutting down, services that you are used to getting each day will have to be changed.

Such is the case for the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury and the city of Lake Charles as they will observe the Good Friday holiday on Friday, March 29th, 2024,

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The City of Lake Charles has announced that there will be no trash pick up on Good Friday but said that your day and time will be changed for the holiday week. Katie Harrington with the city of Lake Charles said,

Trash and garbage normally picked up on Friday will be rescheduled for pickup on Saturday, March 30, 2024.

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday routes will remain on their regular schedules.

The Team Green Recycling Truck and Green Station No. 2 (Nelson Ball Field-Alma Ln.) will not be available on Friday, March 29, 2024, but will resume collection on Saturday, March 30, 2024.

The Incinerator will be closed on Friday, March 29, 2024, but will resume regular operating hours on Monday, April 1, 2024.

Waste Management Raises Bid For Rival Republic
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As far as the Calcasieu Parish Ploce Jury, they said this about trash pick up for residents in the parish,

All Calcasieu Parish Police Jury departments will be closed Friday, March 29, in observance of the Good Friday holiday.

Garbage and trash pickup will run as regularly scheduled for Waste Management customers.

As a reminder for Lake Charles and Calcasieu Parish residents, have your trash cans and other items for removal put out before 7:00 am on the day your trash is scheduled to be picked up and you should retrieve your rash cans by 7:00 pm on the day it is picked up.

So make yourself a note so you don't miss your trash pick-up day this week in Lake Charles and have a great holiday.

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