Louisiana Conservative Caucus Calls for Override of Edwards’ Veto
The Louisiana Conservative Caucus is looking to begin the process of overriding Governor Edwards' veto on the constitutional carry bill.
The Caucus took to social media to announce they've had an unanimous vote to move forward in overriding the Governor's veto on Senate Bill 118.
Almost half of Louisiana's population owns a firearm, so this was a hot button issue leading up to the veto and after. The majority of Louisiana residents view being able to protect yourself, your family, and property with a firearm as a fundamental right of a citizen of the United States of America which is protected by the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights.
Currently in Louisiana, residents have the right to open carry their weapon in plain sight without the need for permits. If a jacket or shirt would somehow cover their weapon without the person knowing it, they could be arrested for a felony offense if they don't have a concealed carry permit.
Senate Bill 118 would allow lawful gun owners to continue to exercise their right to bear arms without the fear of that weapon becoming covered in some fashion.