Peyton Manning Tweets Video of Congrats to Drew Brees
Drew Brees sprinted past Peyton Manning's record, throwing a total of 72,103 yards for his career. It was enough to beat Brett Farve and Payton Manning, plus add some extra yards to truly seal the deal. He beat the current record in just the first half of the game against Washington. The rest of the game, well, it was just lagniappe.
12 years ago, on a Monday night game, no one though the Saints would recover or even survive much longer after Katrina swept through the Crescent City. Brees was just recovering from shoulder surgery, and morale in the city was at an all time low.
Once the record was broken last night, the entire game paused for celebration as Brees embraced his family on the sideline. Celebrating along with thousands of fans in New Orleans. Brees said to his family,
I love you guys; you can accomplish anything in life if you're willing to work for it, right?.
As the game kicked off, Peyton Manning posted a video of him cutting vegetables as he got the news that Drew Brees was about to break his record. Manning, with a light hearted tone, congratulates Brees on beating his passing record, that he claimed for 1000 days, and foreshadows on Brees being set up to break the touchdown record for a quarterback as well. The Saints tweeted the video and it began to go viral, as of 1pm today, the congratulatory video has receive over 14,000 retweets and over 38,000 likes on twitter.
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