A giant asteroid named 'God of Chaos recently passed over the earth. Despite the nickname, the visit appears to have been rather benign. Clearly, since you're reading this, you've survived.
My brother is cooler than yours! That was exactly what I thought when my siblings and I got the group text from him on Sunday that included the link to this video.
Remember those early memories in a brand new relationship? You two were inseparable. But space can be a good thing if you both decide to still be faithful to each other. Just to sped time off each other. But space as in a brake or brake up is never good.
A European group is planning to send a satellite into space and will somehow manage to get it to land on Earth 50,000 years from now. That's cool enough, but even cooler is that they're asking the people of the world to write messages to store on their little "time capsule." So if you want something you created to travel into outer space and then to land in some dude's living room 50,0
In the wake of a failed marriage there are many questions. While, "what should I do with my wedding band?" probably isn't atop the "post matrimony to-do list", it's still a loaded question. Recent divorcee Rebecca Gibbs, an uber-creative New Zealander faced with that very question, decided to take matters into her own hands and launch the symbol of her failed marriage into spac