
Ebola Toys Sell Out
Ebola Toys Sell Out
Ebola Toys Sell Out
Forget the latest Elmo, video game, or tablet. Your kid really wants a plush Ebola toy this Christmas. Really? It would seem so as the company making them says they are sold out.
Party Rock with Legos [VIDEO]
Party Rock with Legos [VIDEO]
Party Rock with Legos [VIDEO]
I think there's a lot of things passing right by me. Now that there are grandchildren in the mix of the family, you find yourself spending more time than ever before in toy stores or toy departments of stores.We were kid shopping the other day and I was surprised to see that they still make Lego's, but even more surprised at what all Lego makes...
10 Weird Fad Toys Every Kid Had to Have for Christmas
10 Weird Fad Toys Every Kid Had to Have for Christmas
10 Weird Fad Toys Every Kid Had to Have for Christmas
You can always spot a parent around the holiday season. Their hair is a frazzled mesh of cow licks and stray strands as if it’s been pulled by a crowd of frantic people. Their eyes dart around in all directions desperately seeking something that could suddenly appear at a moment’s notice. They break down and cry during commercials that advertise “the hottest toy of the holiday season.”

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